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Showing posts from 2018
VISIT TO BARNHILL ON JURA 2018:  "THE BIG BROTHER FACTORY" Team Photo at Barnhill    The Isle of Jura, in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland, was the arcane site chosen by George Orwell to spend the finishing four years of his life writing his most celebrated novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Once every two years, during the month of June, The Orwell Society and The Orwell Foundation arrange, under the auspice of Richard Blair (Orwell's son), a visit to the scene where he and his father, now and then accompanied by some relatives, lived from 1945 through 1949.      The Isle of Jura is a unique and remote "paradise" island, which in spite of being not far from Glasgow, just 96 km away, it still involves a long trip of at least 4 hours back and forth. The nearest mainland harbour is at Crinan, where you have to take the Ferry which will set you on Jura in about one hour and a half. Once there, the sweet and inebriating smell of cottage whiskey welcomes your...
"RICHARD BLAIR IN NERJA" On March 27th 2018 I had the honour to attend Richard Blair’s conference on his father, George Orwell, in the village of Nerja (Málaga, Spain), where everyone can enjoy some of the most beautiful views of the Costa del Sol in Andalusia. I was gladly surprised that the big auditorium of the Centro Cultural de Nerja ( The Arts Society of Nerja ) was full. Over three hundred people, most of them belonging to the British community from Nerja, left no available seating. Richard Blair delighted us with a brilliant and soul-stirring talk on his father’s Spanish  “venture”  from Christmas 1936 till June 1937 , when he actively participated in the  Spanish Civil War  as a member of the  POUM  ( Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista , ‘Worker’s Party of Marxist Unification’) on the side of  the Spanish Official Government that was being attacked by the fascists. But Richard Blair did not only provide a loyal account of his father...

George Orwell, poesía completa

GEORGE ORWELL, POESÍA COMPLETA Con el presente trabajo de investigación filológica y de traducción hemos pretendido acercar al lector esta faceta lírica y harto desconocida de una de las mentes más proféticas del pasado siglo. George Orwell es, por méritos propios, el fundador, y por «fundador» queremos decir ‘creador’, de la distopía política contemporánea en su máxima expresión. En su poesía hemos advertido, mucho mejor que en su ficción, la evolución de los procesos mentales del niño y el joven Eric Blair, enamorado, infatuado y sentimental, aunque también con poemas de fuerte carga social y compromiso político; pero también la culminación del poeta que en su madurez literaria ha esculpido una voz y un pulso poéticos inconfundibles, donde las claves políticas no están condicionadas por el reino de las ideologías, sino vertebradas por el factor humano de un pensador que como novelista, ensayista y poeta, se ve a sí mismo «entre dos mundos opuestos, entre dos mundos en ambos se...